redesign social interactions
in the workspace

from brief

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects. the connection that binds us is a catalyst for our capacity to  design solutions catered to your needs.

to build

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects. the connection that binds us is a catalyst for our capacity to  design solutions catered to your needs.

what is the right
solution for your organisation?

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects. the connection that binds us is a catalyst for our capacity to  design solutions catered to your needs.

citizen office

a tailor-made space for your company’s needs

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects.

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STUDIO office

platform for community, collaboration and learning

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects.

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collage office

a tailor-made space for your company’s needs

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects.

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club office

platform for community, collaboration and learning

our identity as a team - the reason why we are different from any other similar company on the market. not just as interior designers, or as furniture dealers, we are architects whose practice lies at the intersection of these subjects.

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latest project


club office
This is some text inside of a div block.

As a company defined by their rebellious thinking and rigorous execution, RebelDot wanted their new Cluj Napoca HQ to reflect their singular identity. Our proposal took the shape of a café where the team’s interests are reunited, providing a space for informal social interaction.

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our latest news

The Collage Concept

Ioana Bolboacă
Following this concept means understanding your client in order to develop a space that is tailor-made for their needs, workflow and culture.
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A Citizen at the Office

Ioana Bolboacă
The Citizen model represents a landmark in the history of office design - implemented in its first iteration at the turn of the century in the Vitra Campus at Weil am Rhein, it remains as relevant today as it was then.
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let's meet and chat

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